7/8/2024 - Stage 2: Vive La France - Casse Pattes || missing on app

As of 10:20 AM today this 1:10 PM race isn’t listed on the app. However, it is available on “zwift dot com/events”.

Hi @Don_Culp

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I checked your server logs and see that you’re using Companion app v3.59 on an Android 12 phone. Would you verify that your event filters in the app - is the Event type filter for Race checked as below?

With only that box checked n my Android - I am seeing upcoming Vive La France Stage 2 races on Casse Pattes. Does that also work for you?

1:10pm EAST time, is Lab race. @shooj dont show up in the main feed.

My filter (unchanged) shows Race and Time Trial checked. I didn’t check the app again before the race so I don’t know if the race showed up later. However, @Bath_Salts said that it didn’t.

@Don_Culp join the zwift Lab club, one with score hide in there now.

@Shuji – In “Cycling Filters” the “Racing Score” must also be checked. (I am a member of the Zwift Lab Club.)