Hi everyone,
We wanted to give you an update on ZwiftPower which will - hopefully - address some concerns and answer some questions you may have around the site.
First and foremost, I want to personally say thank you to every one of you who has helped us identify issues by providing links to races, writing into us with log files, screenshots, or any information around the issues you saw with a particular aspect of ZwiftPower. It’s immensely helpful and the power of you all as a competitive community within the community of Zwift is something I never fail to appreciate. Thank you!
ZwiftPower is an incredible tool that was built when Zwift was a very young and much smaller product than it is today. It filled gaps in the competitive landscape of Zwift which it still continues to fill today. Competition on Zwift has been given nuance and depth because of ZwiftPower, and the issues with the site in the last months have demanded equal nuance and depth in their solutions and subsequent implementation. The biggest issues as I see them for you all as Zwift racers are:
- Live Data and WTRL Events: Perhaps the most frustrating part of the user experience with ZwiftPower the last few weeks, both for you as racers and for us here at Zwift and WTRL. The solution for getting live data up and running in the way we all know it has proven to be elusive, and we’re continuing working on it now.
- The state and health of ZwiftPower: Since Zwiftpower moved under the Zwift umbrella, we have seen a number of posts believing this to be the end. Let me assure you now, this is certainly not the case. From a personal standpoint I can tell you that the discussions around ZwiftPower are as numerous as they are intricate.
- “We’re working on it”: Perhaps one of the more frustrating statements to hear from a user perspective. When I say - and have said - that we’re working on it, it is never meant to simply brush people off in the hope it buys us time. Ultimately ZwiftPower has proven to require more work than first anticipated and I hope to unpick some of that for you below.
More and more Zwifters are engaging with ZwiftPower through things like larger GCs, community interest in racing, and of course the great events run by community organizations like WTRL. The success of the Zwift Racing League is fantastic to see but it’s placed immense strain on ZwiftPower. ZwiftPower was first built as a community tool when Zwift was much smaller than it is today and put simply, it can no longer cope with the increased loads now being placed through its system.
Fixes in the past used to come quickly, and this was fantastic from a user perspective. These days however, quick fixes are no longer possible because they cannot scale fast enough. We have now put in place measures that we believe will help in the short term but instead of focusing on patch fixes, we are now unpicking the fabric of ZwiftPower to rebuild it in a way that can handle this increased load in the future.
With the success of events like the Zwift Racing League, Zwift Duathlon League and the WTRL TTT Series, I understand there has been increased frustration within the community racing scene - unable to track races or get results in a timely manner. We’ve been working closely with Martin at WTRL and believe we have found a solution to make these events run seamlessly in the future. I will post an update on this matter in a separate thread as soon as we have confirmed the timings.
From a user standpoint, I understand your comments throughout the forums completely. Were I in your position, I’d likely be asking the same things.
We’re aware that the changes you’ve seen in ZwiftPower in the last few months have been a stark contrast to how ZwiftPower used to be, and we’re not asking you to ignore that. What I want to try to convey by saying all of this is that there is so much more going on at Zwift when it comes to ZwiftPower, the details of which I will continue to communicate as they unfold. We’re a small and passionate team that work on ZwiftPower here and I hope you hear me when I say we’ve not simply picked up ZwiftPower and hidden it in the back closet to one day be forgotten. It is an important platform to support racing and it will be improved, which I will keep sharing with you as I’ve been doing.
Ride On.