Zwift Video File with 0 Byte - Windows PC [November 2023]

My PC was too old (10 years) to use the video function. I bought a new one specifically because of this gimmick. And now: No videos again. Just 0 byte files…
So I really looking forward for the fix next week. Hopefully it works! Ride on

Great news. I’d rolled back to the previous version of W11 which fixed it. But Microsoft keeps rolling it forward again :rofl: Fingers crossed the fix works. Thanks for the hard work guys.

The last video “screenshot” that is not 0 KB on my Windows 11 PC is 2024-12-08 (December last year). 77 files of 0 KB since then.

I even tried manually recording one now and it was also 0 KB.

Pretty annoying. I wondered where all my video uploads to Strava from Zwift went…

Hi all, Zwift game version 1.83.0 is starting to roll out today which contains a fix for this issue: Game Update v1.83 [February 2025]

This is a phased rollout, so you may not have it just yet, but pending no unexpected issues the update will be available for all Zwifters by the end of this week.


Problem solved after the 1.83.0 update. Thanks


Thanks Evan,

After the update today (Feb 5th 2025) I have videos in the post activity screen. v1.83 fixes the zero bytes video.



This issue is resolved in 1.83.0. Thank you.


It is Finale fixed… After more the one year from my First Report :wink: