Video captue no longer works

Windows 11 Pro. Same configuration i’ve been using for a long time (with the ocaasional Zwift/Windows update…). PC only used for Zwifting.

Last two rides, all video files captured mid-ride are zero bytes in size.

What gives?


Same. Seems like same for a LOT of people. So frustrating it’s been like this since Nov’s update. In my club anyone that was effected is still effected by it, while others never experienced an issue (mostly Apple users). I’ve tried everything on my PC to get the files to properly save and export but my zwift folder is littered with 0 byte videos no matter what…

me too all video files captured mid-ride are zero bytes in size in windows 11

all video files captured mid-ride are zero bytes in size.

You should check the link referenced above. There’s a fix coming in 1.83.