when will it be possible to record the last 15 seconds of a race on Windows
this has been a feature for a long time now, maybe you have it turned off? Video Screenshots? if it isn’t an option in the settings then your system is too slow to support it. Some older processors and video cards can’t handle it. The setting overall causes a lot of systems to stutter and slow down, I turned them off a long time ago due to slowing down performance.
July 2023
Shuji at Zwift HQ. Your Intel CPU does not meet the miminimum spec for the Video Screenshots feature.
Hey, I don’t even see the video recording button in the bar at the bottom. I’m using a Mac with M3 chip which I’m pretty sure should work for the recording functionality. Any other ideas?
Yes it should. Do you see Video Screenshots in Zwift settings and is it turned on?
Nope, I don’t see a video screenshot option in settings
@evan-zwift any idea why an M3 Mac wouldn’t get this feature?
Hey @Eric_Cartman – according to our logs it looks like video screenshots is enabled for you and appears to have automatically taken a screenshot when you achieved a notable moment – but it’s possible that something else could be going on.
Just to double-check, here’s what the setting looks like in Zwift Settings:
And this is what the Video Screenshots button looks like in the Action Bar:
If you could please double check those, that would be really helpful.
These buttons do show up on my new MB Pro after installing Zwift but for some reason was missing on my previous MB,
@Eric_Cartman Do you happen to know what model your previous Macbook was? In particular, the “Chip”. If you still have the device, you can look it up under the Apple menu (in the top left corner) and select “About This Mac”. Video Screenshots for Mac requires M-series (i.e. Apple Silicon) devices, and will have a Chip listed as M1, M2, M3, or M4.
The previous MB Pro had a chip prior to M-series chips. I believe it was a 2019 Mac.
It’s expected that you would have no video screenshots feature on an Intel Mac. The game looks for an M series CPU to enable that feature.