I know its free at the moment, still I can not fathom why there is not an workout editor available. A workout editor which allows programming workouts based on time.
The feature is already implemented for Zwifts default workouts.
If that is to much to ask, please enable import via training plattforms such as TrainingPeaks or just as a zwo file.
Why is it important? I need structure for my workouts or I burn myself out by always going hard. For now I have to re-edit my time based workouts to distance, matching the timed intervals to meters. And Zwift only allows intervals as a multiple of 200 m. So no fun at all.
I have done it now for a 9 weeks cycle, I’m not gonna bother doing it again.
I would gladly pay full price if I could create or import my time based workouts. I don’t need anything else. And I don’t think I am alone in that.
I would love to have my workout instructions on a big screen. But you make it so hard, it’s mind boggling.
It’s such a basic feature, every coach programs time based. It’s there for bikes on your own platform. I just don’t understand. It is as if you don’t want to succeed.
I would be great if some official could comment if this will happen in the near future.
Don‘t take it as mean spirited, I’d just like to know if it’s worth to stay. If it’s not gonna happen, it’s not gonna happen. Then I’ll find another solution which allows me to use my time based workouts out of the box.
It’s probably being treated like Zwift Racing. They want to go to the Olympics but it’s not a big enough base to warrant investing many resources into. They will wait for community members to fill the gaps with what folks wants and they perform a hostile takeover. Please see the ZwiftPower takeover a short while back.
The infuriating thing is, it’s all already there. Somebody from Zwift would just need to give us the line of code to create a time based Intervall.
I can write my zwo file with it, somebody will make an editor…everybody’s happy.
If I was a shareholder, I’d ask some serious questions. The whole forum ist filled with quick wins, that need next to nothing on the implementation side. Nobody cares at Zwift HQ.
I see where you are coming from, at the same time it’s already implemented. And can be used by whoever created the time based workouts in the less then 30/60 minutes category. And I stated above, I would pay full price if it was available.
Yes it’s free, but how is it ever gonna grow if time based Intervalls are not an option?
Just make sure all your blocks are set to the correct pace setting as it doesn’t seem to default to the one you choose for the 1st block. You can change it by a left click on the block (assuming you are on a PC/Mac with a mouse ).