Zwift Ride Scrubs on Core


My new Zwift Ride started scrubbing with the Core aftet 2Hrs of Usage. It scrubs on the Adapter where you put the Axle threw. If you make the axle a bit lose so that there is space between the core and Zwift Ride it runs normally but if you attach it properly it starts scrubbing again. Its not usable like this.

Does Anyone else havt this Problem and can give some advice? Thanks in Advance!

It might just be the camera angle, but it looks like the adapter is completely missing in that picture!

Hi @Cedrik_Mertschuweit, Welcome to the forums!
Fernanda here, from Zwift.

I couldn’t;t miss the chance to help you in this matter, I can see based on your picture that the ride is not correctly mounted on the Wahoo KICKR CORE Zwift One, let me help you by sharing these pictures:

  1. On the opposite side to the Zwift cog insertion, please be sure that the adapter is on the 142 side as in this picture:

  2. On the side of the Zwift Cog insertion, please use the drive side Thru Axle adapter as shown below:

In the picture you shared I can see that you are missing the drive-side adapter, please be sure that is correctly placed.

Please keep us posted!

2024-07-25 15_31_06-Zwift Ride with KICKR CORE _ All-in-one indoor cycling setup – Mozilla Firefox
Another picture from the Zwift website.

Helpful info and bumping this one. I had the same issue with my bike frame rubbing against my new Zwift cog and found this post. I had left off the final adapter on the drive side.