Zwift Ride only has Gear 1

After riding a warmup mile with all gears, transport to start of Canadian Fugo (11:08 AM Central Nov. 29, 2024) and I only have Gear 1. Try shifting up, it shows Gear 2 but immediately drops back to Gear 1. Log off Zwift and shut down computer completely, log back on…reconnect to Canadian Fugo and I still only have Gear 1.

Any suggestion with this programming glitch?
4th Zwift Ride about 1.5 - 2 months old

Have you ensured your firmware is up to date? That’d be the first thing to check. Open Companion and go into the Zwift Hardware area and it should tell you if there’s an update and apply it.


Thank you. Two firmware updates were needed. And my gear selection is back.

Greg Nelson

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