Zwift Play Controllers disconnect and do not reconnect from Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite tablet [October 2023]

@James_Maddison9952 .
My wife has an s6 lite. The controllers worked perfect. Stopped working after the last update. I have brought it to @Rowdy attention a few times. Nothing changes. They try to blame it on the controllers. I tried her controllers using my laptop, and they work perfect. Try my controllers, that work perfect on laptop. Do not work using s6 lite. Both sets of controllers connect to the tablet(work perfect while connected),but after about 30 seconds they disconnect (Flashing blue).Definitely a software issue. I guess there arenā€™t enough of us, to bother doing anything about it.

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Do you notice any difference when you try to use the controllers with the S6 Lite while the controllers plugged in to power?

@Paul_Southworth Tried that, no difference

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I had a standard response to use the companion app as a bridge. As far as I can see that doesnā€™t work from a phone to a tablet.

Not sure if this thread is still activeā€¦ Iā€™m having the same issue. Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not the only one. Itā€™s pretty aggravating, generally the connection fails somwhere mid workout and wonā€™t let me reconnect. I havenā€™t noticed any patterns. Has someone found a workaround or have you resorted to using a different platform than the S6 Lite tablet?

Hello @Charline_Miville-Des , welcome to the forums. The issue on this thread is specifically related to the Zwift Play controllers not staying connected to Galaxy S6 Lite tablets. I took a look at your activity history and I didnā€™t see any Play controllers paired. If you stopped using Play controllers because of this issue, I recommend updating your Zwift Play firmware version to 1.3.0 to see if this resolves the problem for you.