Zwift Hints at Potential Subscription Price Increase

Part of what makes a thread like this so intriguing is that the price of everything is indeed rising, with very few exceptions–and Zwift is one of those exceptions. It was all the way back in 2017 that the last price increase happened. The fact that the price of everything has risen would make it surprising if Zwift’s membership did not increase as well.

Naturally, there’s nothing like riding out of doors when the weather is beautiful, there’s a wind on your face, etc. That said, the fact that I can ride indoors under climate controlled conditions (no sunburns, no pelting rain, no wind gusts, etc) and without any risk of increasingly idiotic drivers threatening my life is worth so much more than the monthly fee I’m currently paying.


Does it matter to the end user? Certainly doesn’t to me or anybody else that supports numerous companies that don’t make a profit such as sports clubs etc…

Although, you are not required to pay for Zwift to ride indoors.

If the lot of us were happy to ride indoors without Zwift (or something analogous), no one would be here in the first place, and we wouldn’t even be having this or any similar conversation.


Disappointed that Zwift thinks it needs to put it’s price up, another company trying to screw it’s customers, for some a 50% price increase may be little but for many it will be the final straw, Zwift is a luxury, with all the people joining through the pandemic and now leaving going back to normality you would of thought that a serious company would of known when to make hay, the sun has gone in, harvest is done, don’t be greedy Zwift, not our fault you screwed up, plenty of alternatives to choose from, One Lap less than £5 per month I’d argue better training plans for sure than zwift, My-Whoosh is free, does not work for me but I guess it will one day with future up-dates, For Zwift an extra £1or £2 a month tops, Don’t think I would join for the year, just the colder/wet months for me. Let’s hope they see sense, or I can see lot’s of people leaving and other platforms taking advantage.

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Zwift can be the same, just stream your ride and sit up and do some flexes for the camera.

I’ve only ever seen some screen grabs of the “instructors” or trainers on Peloton rides, it’s enough to know to stay well away.

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Can’t compare zwift to peleton. Peleton has a captive base. Users have to subscribe to their app. I don’t like the spin class instructor format but I can subscribe to the peleton app and use my trainer if I want that. I’m 66 and while I enjoy riding outside I do it less often. I use zwift year round because it motivates me to ride every day without the excuses of traffic, daylight, weather, or time. My health insurance fitness plan reimburses me for most of the cost. Even without that I’d pay $20/month but would like to see an annual payment discount.

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Another option would be to give a rebate or credit based on consecutive months of payment, so you pay monthly but if you keep paying every month the price goes down a little.

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As someone who subscribes to Wahoo X as well as Zwift, and I can only ride on one of the platforms at a time. I don’t know how many other Zwifters pay for multiple cycling platforms, but a price rise from Zwift would probably push people towards making a choice. Personally, I find there to be more value in Wahoo X than Zwift and I would probably cancel Zwift if there is a significant price rise.

But you can compare them–in fact you compared them in your post :slight_smile: Pointing to differences is part of comparing two things. Peloton has its benefits for people who want what it offers, and Zwift has different benefits for people who want those. You’re right that they are significantly different in important ways, but those differences are what lead someone to prefer one to the other (after comparing them :slight_smile:)

I think if they scrapped monthly subscriptions they would lose a lot of customers, I mean I know with me it’s just about getting to the time of year where I’ll be getting out on paper rides, hopefully through till about October/November

I wouldn’t think they’d do away with monthly–but I do think they’d benefit from adding yearly as an option. Keep monthly the same (or increase it a bit if they have to, sometimes costs of things increase), but offer yearly for a discount. They might see a lot of people who otherwise pause during the summer decide to pay year round, might see more money in the end that way. But I don’t think anyone (on the customer side of things at least) wants to see monthly go away.

That’s what I do since the beginning of my Zwift training. Zwifting November - April, 6 month = USD 90. Not sure if I would pay yearly, depends on discount.
But for me Zwift price is fair.

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Did I read somewhere that runners don’t pay, if this is the case there’s a way to raise some more money…

Correct, they don’t pay. I’m not sure if that would raise a bunch of money, because the running is fairly limited in a number of important ways, and I don’t know how many people would pay for it. A lot of the gamification isn’t there for runners–no upgrades to buy with drops, no sprint/kqom jerseys. There’s no controllable incline on treadmills. I’ve done it, it’s okay, but if I wasn’t paying for the cycling, they’d have to put a lot of work into improving it before I paid for the running alone.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

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