family membership

There seems to be more than one thread on this subject, and certainly a demand for same!

I’m just starting a new subscription for my son’s race training and would really like to use it myself, but there’s no way I’m going to stump up £26 per month, and this seems to be a general consensus!

Come on Zwift, most of us will only be able to use one account at a time, so let’s see this feature in the very near future! Please!!


I am the same with me and my wife.  Other platforms offer family plans, you just have to use the same computer.

Also a discount for an annual membership would be good.



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Agreed £26 pm is just to much. 

Maybe two people on one email account for a slightly higher monthly fee would be an idea. 

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yes, agreed. we have 3 active members in the household family, and our college daughter will need to cancel her membership due to the cost for her subscription.

Yes, come one. It s too expansive for a family!!!

ZWIFT - you have a great concept and I (we) understand you need to cash to survive and improve.  Additionally we understand you are currently in a leadership position. It is the ZWIFT community that makes it better then the rest.  don’t lose us, figure out  a family plan even if that requires an annual commitment. Options or at least a response would be great.

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ZWIFT - you have a great concept and I (we) understand you need to cash to survive and improve.  Additionally we understand you are currently in a leadership position. It is the ZWIFT community that makes it better then the rest.  don’t lose us, figure out  a family plan even if that requires an annual commitment. Options or at least a response would be great.

Any answer on this at all? Is something being planned for multiple user subscriptions? A lot of people simply won’t subscribe until you create a sensible package, so as far as I can see, you are losing revenue. As soon as this happens, I will adding additional users.

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