Family subscription way overdue

A family plan subscription is way overdue. I see from the forum this was raised back in 2016. All other SaaS offer this e.g. Spotify, Netflix. Time to catch up. My wife and I won’t be signing up until this is in place. Please make my New Year as I have a smart trainer on its way from Santa.

No ETA at this time, but family plans are a long-running request that’s on our radar. Thanks for casting another vote for this account feature.


I agree. $15 a month is reasonable for one person, but an additional $15 for another family member is too much, especially if that person is not going to necessarily be using Zwift nearly as much. I would have no problem paying, say, an additional $5 a month for a second profile. Right now my wife and I simply share one account which is imperfect but worth saving the money.

Microsoft, Netflix, Hulu, etc. have all realized that people are going to share accounts so they make it easy. I could imagine Zwift getting dramatically more users this way, even though some of them would be less serious. Seems like a win for everyone.


I’m just in the process of evaluating smart trainer software options and although Zwift is great, rouvy and others are cheaper and offer household memberships. It’s difficult to argue so although i’ve not completed my evaluation using the free trials currently I’ll be moving away from Zwift


Hi @Conor_Lowry

Welcome to the forum,

Did you know that , kids 16 and under are free: Zwift Accounts for Children


James - my son & daughter are returning home from London to Northern Ireland tomorrow am in order to work from home. Introducing an interim family membership on a temp basis would be ideal during the Covid-19. Zwift reconsider how you can help families with their finances and health and well being…also consider a reduced rate for all the hero’s keeping healthcare running and all the support services behind the scene…extraordinary times needs everyone to play their part! Take care


We’re paying for two accounts and finding it hard to justify. So, we’re going to take a look at the alternatives this afternoon as well. A family plan would be a much fairer way of billing. At the moment, support aren’t even answering emails etc so it doesn’t seem like good value for money. Shame really, but I’m pretty careful who I give my money to, and in my experience companies don’t change if you keep paying them.


Already requested as well here - Family and Child Plan Request


Hopefully they can merge the topics and combine the votes.

Today’s Zwift cast has some interesting information


Simon doesn’t have a Tron bike :joy: :joy: :crazy_face: :rofl: