OK, let me join this with a “me too” on a Surface Pro 7 tablet (Intel(R) Core™ i7-1065G7/16.0 GB/Intel Iris Plus). ZWIFT crashing mid-ride with the “Display driver igfxn stopped responding and has successfully recovered.” 4101 error message in the Windows log. System was completely up to date and I could not finish a single ride (anymore).
Then I started playing around with the Intel driver version, first trying the most recent one from the Intel website (, which made things even worse. With the current Windows Update driver version ZWIFT would freeze after maybe an hour (i.e. a few km shy of the goal line of TDZ/TOW, really frustrating), the most recent version froze only minutes into the game.
After some researching I read somewhere [1] that the “last known good” driver is maybe So I downloaded and installed this driver (which is no longer on the Intel site, but you can get it as part of a Windows update msi bundle file from Microsoft [2].
The first test seems very encouraging, I had ZWIFT run all night in “watching other riders” mode (which was enough to freeze it before) without a crash. I hope this downgrade helps until a fix from Intel or ZWIFT is released.
[1] https://borncity.com/win/2020/02/07/surface-pro-7-laptop-3-fix-for-640-x-480-mode-update-issue/
[2] https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/8/b/08b0f0ba-1571-41c0-9b8a-9af8a43681ae/SurfacePro7_Win10_18362_19.103.34215.0.msi