Zwift Companion Release 3.48 [June 2023]

Hello Zwifters! Here are the notes for the latest updates to the Zwift Companion app version 3.48.0.

Apple (iOS):

  • Updated Watopia and France maps to feature new Climb Portals.
  • Improvements to the ‘help’ section to better support additional languages.
  • Fixed an issue with Bluetooth device icons when paired with Zwift App.
  • Fixed an issue where the event date would reset unexpectedly during Club event creation.

Google (Android):

  • Updated Watopia and France maps to feature new Climb Portals.
  • Improvements to the ‘help’ section to better support additional languages.
  • Fixed an issue where route previews were not appearing when creating club events.
  • Fixed an issue initiating Action Bar after switching sports.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Racing Score hidden in Companion App German UI [3.48] [June 2023]

Companion is quitting during a ride. It just poof is gone. I can restart it and it usually is fine.

I’m on the latest of everything, and it’s an iPad 9 with current ipadOS. The Zwift app on the Mac Mini keeps plugging along not noticing the Companion has shut down. When the Companion has restarted, it sometimes takes a bit of time to go to ‘ride mode’, and show the usual active ride screen. I was going to try to un/reinstall Companion, but didn’t know if it would fix anything. Is this a ‘new issue’? I didn’t see anything from others having the same issues. It doesn’t look like anything is negatively effected by this happening, just the inconvenience of having to restart it. (Is it that benign?)

It also doesn’t happen very often, and not with every ride (of course). The last time it died, I had paused pedaling to adjust my bibs and I noticed it tripped out/off.


I caught it. It seems to wedge up (freeze) and then eventually the ‘ride screen’ closes and it dumps me back at the entry screen. Eventually it pops back to the ride screen, and then froze again and dumped me back out. It did that several times. And there is something that is lost when that happens: any pictures taken in Companion. I haven’t checked to see if they are there in the images directory, but they don’t show up at the end, or in Strava.

I did delete it and reinstall in the last 5 minutes or so of the workout I was riding. Hope that solves this issue. Thanks…

So far, did one ride post delete/reinstall of Companion, and it appears (sample size of 1) that it survived, did not crash. Yippee!!