Can’t get to a ride. Always crashes after paring or when I am selecting a route. Crash is not a freeze, just like a normal program close…but I want to ride!
Reasonable hardware:
Core i3 10th Gen, so LGA 1200 MB with 600-series chipset
16GB DDR4, Nvidia GT620, 2GB GPU, Solid State drive.
LAN connection with about 200Mb/s
I am bluetoothing for connectivity to the trainer
Windows 10 Pro OS (I know I need to install W11)
I have dumped the app and reinstalled many times - I hate the long update
other applications run fast and clean.
If look at task manager right after the program closes, I’ll see that CPU and memory load had been below 25%. There may be a spike, or two, on the ethernet graph. GPU will go from dead flat to 100% for 10 seconds and them back down to near zero.
Everything is perfectly normal through all of the screens…right until the ap closes.
January was rough and now I really need to get back on the bike.
If the CPU has Intel integrated graphics, you could try using that instead of the Nvidia GPU.
If you upload your game logs to before/after trying that, you will see how the performance changes. Your CPU also supports Zwift’s video screenshots feature which you can disable in the game settings. That will probably increase performance a little bit, and may improve stability as well.
Keep in mind that Zwift primarily uses a single CPU core, so your CPU may appear mostly unused when there is a CPU bottleneck on one core.
Thanks all, I’ll try a better GPU. The one I have is actually newer than Intel HD4000 and supports a more recent OpenGL, but I guess I can spring for a bit more. Paul, my particular CPU does not have integrated graphics.
Looking at search results in, the GT 620 gets Basic profile and mediocre performance, similar to integrated graphics, so there are many reasonable GPU options that would look better and perform better. Even an Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti would get the Ultra profile and reasonable performance, and those are available on eBay for bargain prices.