What are people’s thoughts on the zracing event ranges? I generally have to race early morning (610 UK) and where I used to rave against 20 or so people, last week the new range categories meant I was ina race of 4. Tomorrow is even worse with nobody currently signed up.
I’ve not really looked at evening races but this change has really messed up the numbers for morning racing and makes it a bit pointless.
Hello @Stuart_Major_GBR, I appreciate you sharing your questions in our forums! I’m Monica from Zwift. I completely understand your desire to participate in Zwift racing events with a larger community of fellow Zwifters.
I suggest looking for an hour when you can join others for a more engaging experience. For additional details, please take a look at this article.
@MonicaP he clearly put down “I generally have to race early morning (610 UK)” 10pm pst , maybe he can’t move the time around were he can race.
The point I was trying to make was that by creating the ranges of racing it has made the races smaller so when I want to race I’ve got groups that are too small so it’s not enjoyable or worthwhile.
The groups may be smaller due to more categories or at least the addition of new cat ranges.
Some people in your cat may have moved out of your range (1 vs 2).
You might try racing up a cat.
I have found racing up a cat under ZRS does not seem as impossibly brutal as racing up C to B under the old CE system.
Yep, that’s the reason as far as I’m concerned but when originally you were looking at 15-20ish riders at that time of day, splitting it up had the effect of basically emptying out the race, presumably because as the numbers dropped the more people thought it wasn’t worth it.
I agree regarding a different category but even then the numbers are limited. I’m at zs 625 so do have the option of 3 ranges but they’ve all been sparsely populated - and that’s the nub of it, a small group split into 3 made it pointless.
The irony is that I’d prefer to race in the evening or the day but that annoying thing called work gets in the way…!
With a ZRS of 625, you have tough options.
You are probably being more affected by Tour de Zwift than new cats.
Lots of events are gutted by major events like TdZ and ToW. It would be great if they brought back the race versions of the events. Make it ZRS 0-1000 and do the same routes and it’ll be one of the most fun events on Zwift.
And ideally turn on coffee stops only for those races, just because the complaining is too entertaining to pass up. No powerups, just coffee.
@James_Zwift I know it’s too late for TdZ but can we get some races for future major Zwift events?
That’s a good point on TdZ, will be interesting to see what the races are like mid Feb once it has finished. I would agree a race version of it sounds like a great idea though, +1 from me on that.