Advanced Z Races

I’m all for reducing the number of races to get the number of participants up in the top cat, but it’s been quite an extreme cull.

Could we have a couple more to plug some of the big gaps?

Personally I can’t make the 19:15 UK ‘prime time’ as I’ve got young children, then there isn’t one until 00:15. Any chance we could get in the middle of those slots- 21:15 or 22:15?


I thought the same thing but being ZRS 258, I was going to let you guys make the call.

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If ZRS score can translate to power adjustments then everyone can also ride in advance. Give an E rider a 1.8x power boost then suddenly they are an A rider.


If they added a timeslot for everyone who can’t make a certain time then we’d be back to 1 every hour again.

One advanced race at 6:15am CST, one at 1:15pm CST, and one at 6:15pm CST for US time zones? Right now there are 10 people signed up for the 1:15pm race with 28 minutes to go until the race starts. I can see this is working out great! :joy:

“No one joins these, we should have one a day”

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Aside there not being huge attendance, are people confused still on how ZRS works? A good number of those who did race in this Advanced race, were under the score floor for this (which was 650)

People have been racing up fairly consistently, hopefully the labelling massages egos into it more

Some are trying to tank of course

I’d have started by halving them

I was one of them.

It’s a flat race (Tempus Fugit) and some of us want to test our legs against the best Zwift racers on a hill free course.

I think racing above your level should be encouraged.

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Nothing wrong riding up a level… but is that what’s going on with most of these people, or just confused, or trying to get their scores to drop?

Here are a couple more highly attended Advanced races, look at the last dozen placers in these – a good amount of 100/200/300 RS level riders… way more than just 1 level away from qualifying as Advanced.

ht tps://
ht tps://

I pretty much only race up a level.

I used to be an elite national rider and racing against those guys 20 years later and not getting dropped means way more to me than bossing the second tier (which I can’t do as I am a non-sprinter and end up coming second last out of the front group with a whole extra watt per kilo average than all the wheelsuckers).

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My ZRS is 701. Here’s what’s available in my time zone after work. Next few days are pretty much the same.

I signed up for ROUVY.

Any pressure on the community organizers at all to start providing this level of racing?

Zwift HQ.
Heads up.
Long term platform users are LEAVING.

Get races scheduled now.
This is unacceptable.


Copying my post from another thread:

While in concept this is a welcome change to the racing category structure, I’m finding that the result for me (ranked near the bottom of the new ‘Advanced’ category with a racing score of ~707) is that there are now very few to no races available to me at my typical riding times. Given that I can’t really restructure my life to accommodate Zwift racing schedules, this change has been overall a net negative for me and the Zwift subscription loses a lot of its value proposition, given many days I now must opt for (much less engaging) solo rides.

Just to add an example: I want to ride within the next few minutes, and the next race I am qualified to enter is not for another 2 hours and 40 minutes. That is not reasonable, in my opinion. I think most would agree.

Now off to do some super-engaging virtual hill repeats.


Pretty much this. I’m also frustrated I’m forced into the highest cat since I get dropped halfway through unless it’s a climbing race… and good luck finding many of those.

I have a feeling the selection will improve… hopefully. Unless it changes, it’s only feasible for me to race on the weekends. Many would say that a person shouldn’t race more than once/week anyway. But it’s fun, and I find that a 40-minute race followed by a zone 2-3 session is excellent training. Now the race portion is mostly gone.

ROUVY seems to be a reasonable alternative, so I signed up for a month. You can ride against past performers and see where you land on the leaderboard. AND… it can be sorted by age, which is something you can’t do in Zwift for some mysterious reason.


We might extend our Thursday/Friday races to be Mon to Friday but there is no point starting that versus Tour De Zwift

If that’s not possible on zwift then we’ll add them elsewhere

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Definitely seems like it’s gone too far. I used to do the 13:10 GMT race, but they’ve disappeared now. I’m finding it very difficult to get a race now. Must be lots of us in the 700+ like this.

And the clean up has killed off the Hill Climb series. I get reducing the number of events where there are similar ones, but that’s basically killed off the Hill Climb genre. Not sure if there’s a server resource issue, but, if not, I can’t see what’s wrong with keeping some niche events going even if they don’t have great numbers.


I get the impression that James had to kill off his own series to show that he was being fair with the cull.

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