I just updated to the latest version on Windows 11 and did a recon race. There was zero resistance change at any time while I was riding. Course was Makuri 40. Trainer is a Stages Bike SB20 connected by Ant+.
I even set my trainer difficulty to 100% and rode some 8-9% gradient hills after the event and still no change in the resistance.
Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I peeked at your server logs and noticed that after this report - you did a ride where your bike’s Controllable signal was paired using Bluetooth instead of ANT+ FE-C. Did that solve this issue for you?
FYI - the trainer’s ANT+ Controllable signal broadcasts more quickly and is picked up faster by the game than Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). If you want to use BLE - you have to pair the BLE Power signal first, then wait ~ 10 seconds before the BLE Controllable signal starts broadcasting
If this bugs you and you want the game to forget it ever paired to ANT+ you have a couple options.
In your Windows (also macOS) Documents\Zwift folder - delete the knowndevices.xml file. This files stores the devices (heart rate monitors, trainer, speed or cadence sensors, etc). The next time you use Zwift and log out, a fresh knowndevices.xml file will be created.
You can unplug the ANT+ dongle if you’re happy with the performance and signal reliability in your home over BLE.