Hi Guys,
I recently picked up a Zwift Cog & Click.
I have a Jet Black Volt v2. I am 100% certain it is a v2 and not a v1.
I keep getting this message whenever I connect my Zwift Click
I’ve checked the trainers firmware version is currently 3.13 which is the latest.
I’ve also updated the firmware to the latest version on the Zwift Click.
Has anyone else had issues with this? What am I doing wrong?
Sorry but the Volt (even v2) doesn’t support virtual shifting, as far as I’m aware. You can use the QZ app fo achieve that though.
Edit - yes it does, I was wrong.
The V2 does support virtual shifting, but be sure it is a V2. The wording on the JetBlack V2 support pages hint that it is possible to put the latest firmware onto a V1 but it will in the long run not being good for the unit (and you still won’t have virtual shifting).
If it is a V2, remember that you need to be connecting via Bluetooth, not Ant+. And have to select virtual shifting in your Zwift settings hardware menu.
My bad, I didn’t scroll down far enough on Zwift’s reference page, doh!
Yes I am certain it is a V2.
I’ve connected via Bluetooth not Ant+.
In my ZC App, under hardware, I only get an option for the Zwift Click.
The Zwift Hardware menu in the Companion app is only for Zwift hardware, like the Click/Play/Ride/Hub, not for other manufacturers’ hardware like JetBlack. Virtual Shifting will be available in the game settings (not Companion) only if you are able to pair the Click to the game and the trainer supports virtual shifting. Usually when virtual shifting is not supported, the Click shifter won’t pair at all.
Sorry I don’t know the answer to your main question. In your situation I would be tempted to do a clean reinstallation of the game or run it on another device, and if that doesn’t help, talk to support.
So I think I may have an answer
I was reading through Jet Black installation process for the Volt V2
Apparently, when doing the firmware update in the Jet Black app you need to contact their support for a code to input. (what?)
Fingers crossed this is all it is, ill check back later when I’ve tried this out and let everyone know if it works.
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That sounds like JetBlack’s usual process for beta firmware releases
The setting for turning virtual shifting on/off is not in the companion app. In Zwift, select My Settings and then look at the hardware menu.
Just an update - Jet Black got back to me and provided a code for firmware supporting Virtual Shifting.
This has done the job - solved