Workout: more flexibility to choose the workout

The workouts are great.
Also the plans are good.
But it is not flexible to plan the workouts or jump in your plan.

Because my work is not that flexibele I sometimes miss some workouts that I never can catch up with.
Also I combine Indoor zwift with outdoor biking. So I want to skip the endurance workouts, but do the intense ones on other days.

Proposal: Make an option where you can jump to a sertain day in your training plan and everithing is solved…

  • choice of workout (-> jump to that sertain day)
  • freeze plan because you have 1 week holiday. (-> jump 1 week back)
  • your goal (race day) is not synced with end of your plan. (-> jump few weeks forward in training plan)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Please improve Training Plan schedule flexibility