Will on board graphics cope?

I had to stop zwifting (cancelled sub and deleted everything) after major heart problems last year. My gpu died and I havnt replaced it and wont be upgrading until later in the year. I have intel hd4000 on board grahics and I see that is the minimum requirement to run zwift. However in the real world we all know min specs often cant really handle things.

So I guess I’d like to know if anyone has any experience of running zwift at this spec and how was it able to cope. Any feedback appreciated as i’d like to start some gentle indoor cycling again but dont want to sign up again if its not going to work.


Hi Dave,

You are correct it is minimum spec but it will run on basic settings. You my run into issues in big events with many people riding, so I would stay away from those.

You can try Zwift for free, you get 25km a month if I am not mistaken, so you can test the setup.

Cheers for the reply Gerrie

I set everything up this morning and logged into zwift to have a go and see what it was like. It ran smooth enough for 15 seconds before my kickr and Hr monitor both dropped out and wouldnt sync again despite all my best efforts.

I wont be bothering again and will just ride outdoors in better weather and leave indoor for rowing I think

O no, Do you use Ant+ or Bluetooth.

Ive always used ant+ with dongle extended to next to the bike. Kickr firmware updated via BT

Never had a problem before and have zwifted since 2015

Its ok though , ive ordered a new C2 rower which im quite happy using for an hour or so at a time and to leave the cycling for outdoors (itll save me having to keep moving the bike in and out of the garage)

Maybe the sensors batteries are empty…?
And the kickr may need a firmware update.