Thanks for the reply. For me the highest priority and MVP for anything Zwiftpower related should be that every racer that raced in an event must be visible in the results. If there are PII or other data implications here (and I struggle to see what, given it’s all owned by Zwift), just obfuscate everything except their time and power details.
Having a race with 30 racers and then 10 in the results just undermines / invalidates the whole thing.
I suspect almost all the data implications could be managed by requiring that racers opt in to data sharing in order to get in the pen. So far they haven’t wanted to do that but I don’t think it’s impossible, just a choice they might or might not want to make.
@Ryy ZwiftPower again seems to be experiencing delays.
" Next Update is overdue. Expected 10 hours ago. "
It is worse and worse. We don’t get our race ranking until a few days after the race, they are visible for a few hours then disappear. What’s going on?
Hello everybody
I confirm and I join Cyrus… it’s getting worse and worse… what’s the problem exactly? I have just finished the Tiny race (A) and the results are still not displayed… whereas usually when we have finished the second round we have the results of the first round and we have finished the 3rd round we have the results of the second etc… Same for other races like the BL13 race series we have the results very late… and when there is a sign of cheating with a DSQ runner it’s even worse takes even longer… and I have the impression that the point system is no longer the same (I might be wrong) (; I don’t really know what’s happening but it’s weird is this a good sign ?
What’s going on with Zwift Power?
" Next Update is overdue. Expected 4 days ago."
And that Power Curve isn’t even close to correct. J @AMICI NIAGARA’s Power Curve is incomplete (flat line below 22 s) and mine is just wrong.
Hello Houston we have a problem… but on the tiny race (on the one this morning and this afternoon) we have a ranking on both with our places but without the points… gain… etc!! We can find out what’s going on… it’s starting to take a long time…even worse for those from this morning…It’s Eric SCHLANGE who takes care of that, right ?
i think eric has to submit those manually. he could be busy irl, it happens
Yes yes it happens…(; . but we have had so many problems with ZP lately that I told myself we were in for another ride…
it could be that, league tables are usually done manually though - i used to refresh the table every day for a league i competed in a long time ago, even though i knew i’d be waiting the entire week for last week’s result. eric probably just hasn’t had time yet
I’m a fan of ZwiftPower. Safe to say it would be very difficult to replicate the functionality in the corporate Zwift website. And if it was decommissioned I suspect that a lot of people (myself included) would seriously consider other platforms.
4 years of being under zwift control now… You’d think they’d either have embraced it or gotten rid of it
it’s the best thing about zwift, but that’s not a minority opinion among people who use it, and about 30k people use it simultaneously at least once a week or more every winter, so if it disappeared tomorrow then someone in the community will have that gap filled in within a month. maybe two if they have to gatecrash a zhq zoom meeting or two first, but i imagine if it was gonna disappear, that stuff would have been hashed out ahead of time
Have I just never bothered to check, or has it always been the case that you can go back into a past event in Zwift’s own Events pages, and now find results (which includes everyone, not just ZP registrants)? Mind you, Zwiftpower is handy to find the Event ID# you’re looking for using its History section.
eg. from ht tps://
I think they rolled that out in March this year
a few months… i think it struggles with odd formats and primes currently, but i can’t really say for sure since i’m the type of person who sets his system font small enough to require binoculars since i’d rather squint than waste a calorie on scrolling. plus the only numbers i’m really interested in are NP and the dates of the events
regardless, i’m about as sure that there will always be some community alternative to fill whatever gaps the community needs to fill as i am about anything, and i’m always 100% sure. even when i have no reason to be
In contrast, here is the (IMHO much preferable) zwiftpower page for that race:
Typical “modern” web design in the page, and a fear of using the entire screen that is available.
I’m fond of data, and seeing as much of it at one time as possible. Be concise and legible. Don’t want or need frills.
Perhaps the zwift devs need a pointer to jquery documentation?
i much prefer zp, but zwift has to look like zwift. as long as they don’t mind someone in the community making some kind of third party site where they just rehost the results in a more efficient way - and between zr, zwifthacks etc i don’t think they do mind - i don’t think it’s too important what they look like on the zwift site, as long as they’re there and they’re accurate
你好请问我正常使用zwift软件每次参加比赛都显示数据异常 怎么回事