Welcome Club Jarvis Members!

i’m getting some FOMO. ID in the 20k’s. Hopefully i get an invite in the next wave, clubs will be a great feature.

Pulled in from Event Leaders user594461 from early 2018. Thanks for the Invited.

It would be great if once selected riding for your club in the start screen. It would be the default until I unselected it. I have risen a bunch of times but no club credit because I forget or in too big a hurry to select the club. Thanks

Hi all,

As part of Jarvis members, I would like to know more about the activities we could participate to. Apart from some events taking place overnight (for me ), I do not see real benefits to date.
What do I miss ?

Another question I have : How can I filter so that I am able to see my french counterparts belonging to Jaris club ?

Thanks for your support.

I have a slightly off topic question. Is it or will it be possible to do a workout as a club and it group ride? I am currently not able to train with my teammates on the road. We have tried to do or workouts together on Zwift but we cannot do a group ride and a workout at the same time. Can you add this feature to group rides? It woulf be great if the organizer could build a work out the entire group could see and do together. Thanks!

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HI Wes,
Can you add me to the Club Jarvis? As Jarvis island explorer and prehistoric Zwift event leader I would really like to test this new functionality.

Hi all testers!

I’m looking forward to this evenings Sand & Sequoias Jarvis Club Ride, interesting to see Jarvis The Bear is the leader for the ride :slight_smile:

Looks like we will all be wearing the BETA kit, which is my normal kit LOL


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I watched GPLama and sat in Discord for a while during the one last night. Haven’t been able to join one myself due to times. Last night’s was 11pm (and the kid wasn’t very settled), today’s is 4pm and I’m due to be in a Teams meeting for work. Silly old work and children interfering with my fun times! Shouldn’t be allowed! :smiley:

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I’d really like that.

Ride #3

From todays ride 5:00pm CEST :slight_smile:, thank for the ride, Wes

Could you please add me to the club Jarvis rides? My zwift email is email edited for privacy

Thank you Wes!

Assuming you’re in Club Jarvis, you should see them in the Companion.

Tap on “Club Events” on the main Club Jarvis page, and any club events will be listed there.

The only way to get into club Jarvis is:

  1. Be an original Zwift beta tester
  2. Be an official event leader in the forums here (your avatar would have a beacon on it)

I lead four rides a week for Ascenders, ZSUN and DIRT. What do I need to do to get the leader beacon you mentioned. Thanks for your help!

Send me a PM with the rides you lead. (Your event organizer should have shared this process with you. :slight_smile: )

From todays ride!

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Daren - everywhere I go these days you seem to be there! :laughing:
We move in similar circles, my kids are all grown-up now, youngest is 13yrs out of 6 girls. Plenty of time for me when I’m not fighting off potential BF’s LOL

Everywhere?! Hehehe, I’m active on Facebook for sure!

Six girls seems a little excessive! :smiley: My eldest (17 and 22) don’t live with me so they don’t really get in the way. But the youngest is only two and a half years, and man he demands so much attention!

My wife keeps telling me he’ll start sleeping through the night soon - she’s been telling me that for two and a half years… :wink:

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It’s great to be back on the forum. Wes is there anywhere I can confirm my ID? I was an early beta tester and I believe the first 100. Anyhow have joined up to Club Jarvis. Hard to believe it’s been 5 or even 6 years I believe.

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