Clubs is 100% Live!

Hello Zwifters:

We are pleased to announce that FutureWorks Clubs is now available for everyone on Zwift! Thank you all so much for your continued patience while we rolled things out this past month.

I have seen some posts about users not seeing access to Clubs. Please ensure that you meet the following requirements.

Requirements to Create a Club:

  • Paid subscriber
  • Good standing with our customer support team
  • 16 years of age or older
  • Level 20+ for cycling or 10+ for running
  • Belong to less than 3 clubs
  • Latest version of ZC (3.31.1 for Android and 3.32.0 for iOS)

(When you meet the above requirements, the “Clubs” tab will automatically populate in your Zwift Companion App.)

Creating a Club Event:

  • Must be a club owner
  • Latest version of ZC (3.31.1 for Android and 3.32.0 for iOS)
  • Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

Requirements to Join a Club:

  • 16 years of age or older
  • Currently, you must be invited. Please ask your club owner to send you an invite.
  • See my previous post here for additional info about our next steps.

Our FAQ and support pages offer additional guidance and help answer questions.

If you are curious about what’s next, please visit my post here.

Thank you again - We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Well done Eddy :clap:

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Great job Eddy, I’m excited for what’s to come. :+1:

and glad to see despite some moaning i must of passed the good standing with customer support team :rofl:


Great work, the capability is well appreciated.

So, couple questions.
On regular group rides we can have multiple leaders/sweepers (alternates). We only seem to be able to select one person. I can add more through the web interface, but not in the club tool. Was this the intent?

Also, so in the group ride creation, the " Only club members can join or Anyone with the event link can join" Option. If we select the later, Anyone, it puts the ride in the normal list of scheduled rides, at least from my perspective, does that mean anyone who wants can enter the event from the Zwift Group Event schedule, or do I need to actually send people links?


W00t! Congratulations. :tada:


send them links it won’t appear in the companion app for other people.

Will there/is it possible to use the ”Keep together” mechanism in clubs?

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@Hakan_Widlund_L3 Please read the first post and the links.


Woukd be great if we could create our own club colours/kits to represent our club in game.

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That’s on the list of things todo. Still in discovery but check the monthly update post for latest info

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