Wahoo Kickr v5 virtual shifting [ April, 2024]

Hi. Just bought zwift play specifically for virtual shifting it works but no shifting available. Found out it doesn’t support v5 kickr.
Any plans to support virtual shifting on v5 in the near future?

It’s waiting on Wahoo to update the trainer firmware. If I had that trainer I would not want to be among the first to test a major firmware update. I let others take the risk of testing my smart bike’s firmware updates.


Wahoo, how long do you have to wait? Do you see that? :slight_smile: The trainer season is ending and YOU haven’t updated yet.

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support dot wahoofitness dot com/hc/en-us/articles/16865097915666-Zwift-virtual-shifting-with-Wahoo-smart-trainers

It states that V5 & V5 WILL be released (which we’ve all heard) so hopefully soon… but V3 and older won’t be getting it. Good to see this officially confirmed though!

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Thanks for the update. Good news it will be released for v5

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“We are working to enable virtual shifting for KICKR v5 (2020) and KICKR v4 (2018) in the future.”

Oops typo. Yes, v4 and v5!

Any news?


Hi everyone, Thanks for all your support provided in this thread.

@Martial_Pottier I appreciate for being interested in knowing new supported smart trainers for virtual shifting. Currently, we only support Wahoo Kickr v6. For more details please, review our Virtual Shifting FAQ

But, as already mentioned in this thread based on the Wahoo support FAQ They are working to enable virtual shifting for KICKR v5 (2020). So, I would suggest to stay tuned for any update.


Thank you Martha! I’ll wait to see some news regarding Kickr v5 :slight_smile:

The main difference between v5 and v6 is wifi and the rest of the hardware is the same. The firmware update for v5 should be similar and quick. Unless Wahoo is trying to sell more Kickr Core Zwift One trainers first before releasing the new firmware. Commercial decision. I sincerely hope this isn’t the case. Just my two cents worth.

No plans to upgrade to v6 to get virtual shifting. I will ride outdoors during the summer and see what there is when I return to indoor training.