Wahoo Kickr has become exponentially difficult

My last couple of rides on Zwift have been excruciatingly painful with a very low average power. While I have not been training on Zwift lately and have focused on riding outside I went from an average of 130 watts on the Zwift to 50, and it was painfull with heartrate zone 3 or 4 when it was supposed to be a recovey ride. I lowered my FTP because I was not going to be able to finish. On the road and MTB I average between 160 to 180. I wonder if I need to do some recalibration, I also had not unplugged the kickr in a while, and I do have it outside in a covered patio, but the temperatures have dropped a lot lately. could this affect the Kickr? Any ideas on checking calibration when I tried it said my version does it automatically? or steps to take?

Hi @Carlos_Fernandez15 welcome to Zwift forums.

Shuji at Zwift HQ here.

Yes, good idea.

Yes, absolutely! Power meters are strain gauges which measure minute movements of metal flexing as you apply pedal pressure. The metal is going to behave differently if your training room is an unheated garage in winter vs a room where the temperature is constant year-round.

Follow Wahoo’s instructions for a “factory spindown” to manually calibrate your trainer. It’s important to warm up the trainer before you do the calibration.

Hope that helps!

Thank you very much Shuji, this did the trick, I knew I was not in my regular shape after the holidays but it was brutal. Thanks again

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