Wahoo Kickr Bike - External Gear Display

Hi can you please tell me where you got the table attached to the bars from?

This is really just some cheap DIY containing of:

  • Garmin aero mount (there are really cheap aftermarket products out there): h**ps://amzn.to/49uyJwL

  • adhesive Garmin adapter: h**ps://amzn.to/4bz83wH

  • small aluminum mousepad: h**ps://amzn.to/4bqeVwi

I‘m quite happy as it holds easily the ESP, my phone and other small stuff I want to keep nearby.

Thanks for the info.

Doesn’t look cheap at all!

Have you already published it on github? Like to have a look at it!

I bet this chainring/sprocket information is not published via BT, als the original Kickr Bike Display also is showing only the gear numbers.

The current configuration of the gears (tooth count) is available… along with the “shift type” (Di2, sram, mechanical, campy)

You mean these info is aired out via BT?

There’s a Sauce mod now to show Kickr gears, just install that as much easier in the long run.

Yes it is available. A bit of reverse engineering the communication between iOS wahoo app and bike I was able to figure it out.


This is my creation, before it was on the handlebar, but too close to the wahoo bike shift bt unit causing interference. Now i use a separate iphone stand. Works well, no issues
Next step is to read the unused left buttons on the handlebar

Really great projects on this thread!

Maybe some of my github pages will be interesting to you - I have been documenting all the BLE functionality of the KICKR bike.

I am slowly building up a python test script that calls all the BLE functions. I am testing the Python script with a Raspberry PI and also on Windows. It’s my first Python code (this project is really an excuse to try out the python language), so the code may not be the best. I haven’t had a chance to test with a Pi Pico or other embedded device yet. These ESP32 modules you are using look very impressive!

I’ve also worked out how to add custom shifters for TT bars for example. There’s instructions and photos on how to build them.

It’s still a work in progress. Let me know what you think and if there are any bits I can improve. I am currently documenting the cycling power service extension, so that bit’s not finished yet. After that I aim to cover off the FTMS service.


Wahoo KICKR Indoor Bike Bluetooth Projects

Wahoo KICKR Indoor Bike Shifter Projects

Hi Stephen,
thanks for the detailed information on the services and charateristics provided by the bike.
Iḿ working on an init choose where you can choose between the different gearoption and save them in eeprom. The chararteritics is the a026e039-0a7d-4ab3-97fa-f1500f9feb8b but there is only write and notify possible. So i have to write the grooupset confguration at every start to the bike. Maybe you or sameone else has an idear how to get this information, because on startup the Kickr bike knows this information so it must be stored somewhere!
Thanks best regards Matthias

Hi Matthias,
Are you asking how to read (get) the groupset configuration, rather than write (set) it?

Hi Steve,
thanks for the reply.
Yes i´d like to get/read the stored groupset configuration form the bike.

I haven’t worked out how to do that yet. But if I do, I’ll post back.

Have you tried using the wahoo app on two devices? If you set the config with one instance of the app, does the other app read the change?

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Hey all, I made this overlay app when I got my Kickr shift bike, never got around to publishing it but uploaded it finally.

github dot com/Adanteh/WahooGearDisplay

It’s similar to what most of the things in here do, but seeing Im actually a rouvy user I also added button support so I can navigate menus / change workout difficulty from the shifters. Im assuming zwift just supports that out of the box, but might still be useful.

Little demo video at youtu dot be/34VhzJVuYRo


As far as OSD goes, don’t some other bikes support Zwift displaying the gears on screen from them? Possibly a translation of sorts might work here. Have the esp32 sit in the middle between the bike and Zwift, and just translate the gear shift service into a different service that Zwift natively supports displaying. The trick is that you’d probably have to pass through the FTMS service as well, but that’s not much of an issue.

Are any YouTube videos that shows how to do this step-by-step? I’m not a tech guy and it seems like a nice way to have a better way to view the gears.

Hey, thanks for this! I just came across this looking for native support and I managed to get this set up quite quickly. I’ve now got it so that, it start when Windows starts and connects to the Kickr Bike. Then one click of the ‘Open Gears’ window and Borderless Gaming moves it into the space between the power-up icon and the power data. Ace - thank you!

Any way to change the font and font-color or is that too much ‘under the hood’? Cheers!

Im looking at getting a Kickr Bike… interested in your code… did you post it anywhere?