Virtual shifting resistance/watt/cadence issues

My virtual shifting has stopped working after the recent Wahoo Kickr Core firmware update. The watts are all over the place - same goes for the cadence. After a few seconds the reported watts and cadence just drops to 0. The reported numbers work great when disabling virtual shifting in the hardware tab. The resistance is also all over the place. I’m using Cog v2 and click.

I have tried manual spindown without any luck.
I have a video showing part of the issue but I cannot add links here.

Update: I tried with my iPhone instead of my laptop and I get the same result.
I can spin around and after a few seconds the resistance and watts reported drops. I stop pedaling and eventually the numbers hit 0. I keep not pedaling and the cadence and watts reports random numbers - I’m not spinning.

Hi @Frederik_Jorgensen, and welcome to the forums! Alejandro here from Zwift.

I couldn’t let this go without jumping in to help you out! First, I want to apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I’ve found the ticket you opened via email, and I’m happy to see that one of my support colleagues already assisted you.

If there is anything else we can help you with, please do not hesitate to write us at

I’m in contact with Wahoo support who recommend that I do a factory spindown (not the usual spindown) to see if that helps. I will report back when I’ve news so others can benefit from my findings.