Version 1.048969 Borked on Windows 10?

This weekend’s update is having issues logging onto the servers.

Entering the password properly, but after 10 minutes I’m still not connected. Music keeps playing but the little guy riding in the LOGIN dialog isn’t moving…after 30 minutes of trying and failing I’m beginning to run out of time to ride

After entering the password, it waits and waits and comes back with a message saying Logged in but there are no roads to ride. Please check your internet connection and try again in a few minutes.

Tried and tried and tried again to no avail.

Are the servers just getting hammered due to COVID or ???

I just got in no problem, windows 10, latest version.

My guess is overloaded servers too. I logged in but it was showing 0 other riders. After about 5 minutes others appeared. I’m on the latest April 2020 Windows 10 patch.

Pretty sure it is (was) my poor internet connection.

I’ll try again this evening.

Appreciate the replies.

I have the same problem with 1.0.48969. Cartoon rider is still trying to connect servers.
I will try to find the previous version and install it instead.

Not sure you can do that on Windows 10, it will just auto update again anyway. The problem doesn’t seem to be the update, but poor internet connection or bogged down ISP because everyone is home using all the internets.

Been trying for 7 hours to log in, to no avail.

Deleted and re-installed zwift, just to be back at the log in page with no movement… fed up.

Hi @Alexi_du_Toit, there are many users reporting trouble logging in right now, most likely due to their ISP not communicating with Zwift servers for some reason. There are currently about 18,000 people on Zwift, so it is working for many. I was able to log in no problems, but I am in the US. I will point you to this other thread for solutions: Cannot login to Zwift NOW - #42 by John_BEERYON

Hope this helps. If you are having other problems with pairing sensors or your avatar not moving please let us know, we will try to help!


Thanks for the feedback, but 7 hours is a ridiculous amount of time to waste trying to get in, I honestly thought something will work by now. I have tried various solutions and methods. But will check the forum out, thanks.

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Raining now…so I was going attempt to login Zwift…


Pasting last few log entries…been trying to logon for 10 minutes…

[17:32:46] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Saying hello to TCP server (largest wa is 0)

[17:32:47] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP host

[17:32:47] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Connecting to UDP server…

[17:33:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:33:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:34:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:34:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:35:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:35:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:36:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:36:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:37:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:37:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

Will Zwifte pro-rate the monthly charge if we are unable to login due to problems on Zwift’s end?

(Ha Ha)

[17:38:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:39:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:39:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:40:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:40:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:41:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:41:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:41:52] NETCLIENT:[ERROR] Error receiving TCP header [53] The network path was not found.

[17:41:57] NETCLIENT:[INFO] TCP host

[17:41:57] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Connecting to TCP server…

[17:41:57] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Saying hello to TCP server (largest wa is 0)

[17:42:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:42:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

[17:43:22] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Sending telemetry…

[17:43:42] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}

Just saw the error in the log. Network path was not found…

Ran a tracert on the IP address:

Unable to “ping” the IP address, but the trace route is slowly progressing.

Seems like some sort of problem with Zwift, not the ISP.

I’ve the same issue since today’s update :frowning:
It’s crazy… the first login works, than loads zwift a login screen where I never needs to login again before… after a while he says here is nothing to ride… please check your internet connection.

But my internet is very stable… with other devices the login is successfull… macbook, iPhone, iPad etc… only my windows 10 PC is broken. I did yesterday a windows update and today the zwift patch, which one breaks my login I don’t know… but what now? Have somebody an idea?