Ver1.29 - turns at intersection and kickr bike

Hi. In gplama’s youtube demonstration of the ver1.29 features (Sep 15th video) he is using steering hardware to turn at intersections (3:44 in the video).
I am using a kickr bike and the appleTV version of zwift. The steering buttons on the hoods work perfectly fine and I can move my avatar left/right on the road, however, no matter what I’ve tried, turning at intersections doesn’t work with these buttons. Anything I am missing? The video claims that kickr bike should work the same way. Maybe it doesn’t? Anyone knows if this will be supported any time soon? Will be great to be able to configure the buttons for different functions. Thanks

I am interested in these function too. Pleas add it soon

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There is a lot of interest for this feature. Zwift, please add…