Username [in brackets] truncated out of Riders Nearby list [SOLVED]

I just updated zwift and when I logged on I noticed that the parts of my name that were in parenthesis are now gone. image


I just checked mine and it is still the same as yesterday.

What system are you using.

Thanks for flagging this up. I split your question into its own thread.

For anyone else seeing this issue, we want to hear from you too.
Please report what OS platform you’re using.

I was curious about the new training plans so I was on a windows surface pro. I usually ride on an iPad.

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+1 happening to me . Running Windows 10

On Zwift Profile

On Nearby List

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@shooj The issue I think is with these brackets []. With these it works (). I prefer the boxy ones but the round ones are the only ones that work. This worked when I logged on again on iOS after updating.


I also noticed only those with ( xxx ) after their name were displayed, no one had any [ xxx ] after their name which is very unusual.

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There are multiple updates to the Zwift font in this update, they obviously forgot to allow for square brackets…


As others confirmed this is fixed by changing the square brackets to something else .
Given this was not an accidental change but a known change thats got a mention in the release notes how come it was not part of release testing and RTM …

No dont tell us … we wonder why some of the other more critical things happen like they do :worried:

It would also be interesting to understand what issue the fix addressed that was more critical that some of the others and how it got elevated when I havent seen any noise about it .

Incidently this issue has raised 2 more bugs for me . Both not critical and with messing about can be worked around . Will post in bugs and support .

Same for me on IOS, square bracket doesn’t display ingame and prenthesis do.

During our troubleshooting efforts since yesterday we discovered the same thing.

We are working on sorting out the [square bracket] issue, but in the very short term - we ask if everyone could switch over to (parentheses) in your username. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Also seeing this after February update.
PC Game version 1.0.63185

How about {braces}? :slight_smile:

Game release 1.10.1 (v1.0.63186) is available for all OS platforms, and fixes this issue. Please update your game client.


Thanks for the quick fix! Much appreciated. !

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Fastest bug fix ever!