It would be great if a user could select a playlist, either single or multiple, to play while riding. For example:
-I could select a playlist from my computer/phone/ipad to play while training with typical features like random and loop
-I could create multiple playlists based on tempo, ie:
1) a high tempo playlist for higher intensity intervals
2) a mid-tempo playlist for lower intensity intervals
3) a slower-tempo playlist for warm-up, cool down, etc.
I used to always pick songs that went with the cadence of my “on” intervals, it was a really nice way to workout.
Is the problem that you’re using a tablet or something? I use Spotify almost every time I Zwift for example, but I’m on a PC so it’s easy to Alt+Tab out and start or change a playlist any time.
I have a “Running 180bpm” playlist for example.
Or is it more than you want songs to change potentially suddenly in the middle of a song?
Was thinking more playlists that I could set up for different parts of the session. A group of slower temp songs for warm-up cool down, medium, fast, etc. tempo playlists where the song changes when the interval changes. A long time ago I used an app that allowed me to set my intervals and different songs to be played during those intervals. I was just pretty neat how your whole body/mind would get geeked when a fast tempo song can on during a hard/fast interval. Just a thought. I do use PC.
I’m sure the technology exists to be able to pick the next song based on your current heart rate/cadence/wattage and if it doesn’t it should!
back to your original point, if you make a playlist you could then create a custom workout to fit around the songs - so do 200 watts for 3:23 while X song plays then 250 watts for 2:45 while Y song plays etc
This was already implemented by a third party, it would pick a song in your playlist depending on your cadence/heart rate, it was called Zwiftify, Spotify didn’t like the name and sent a cease and deist letter, the project is no more
It is a really good idea and should be readily available.
It was a little more complex than that unfortunately
There was also an app that did this, Spotify brought it and development ceased. It seems Spotify only wants users to experience what they want, not what their users want.