Hello. How do I unlock the 50%, 75% and 125% portal climbs? I have climb several of these portal climbs but the non-100% climbs remain locked. Welcome suggestions.
50%, 75% and 100% should always be available, the only one restricted is the 125% that opens up after you’ve done 100%… at least that’s what I thought
That is the expected behavior.
This image taken from the Climb Portal FAQ should be what you’re seeing. If you’re seeing something different, please post a screenshot.
@shooj On the attached list it shows all the climb options are available. However, when I ride up to the portal only the 100% option is available. The other 3 options are ‘locked’.
It is my understanding when riding the climb portal after riding up at 100% level when I reach the bottom and do a u-turn I can select the 50 or 75% levels if I so choose upon re-entry. If I want to ride at 125% I have to save my ride and restart a new ride why is this? Or am I missing something?
I would guess you need to save and restart a new ride so the system knows you completed it at 100%? I guess Zwift isn’t capable of determining the completion at 100% without saving the ride first?
Thank you, I was just checking because that has been my experience, but sometimes I make mistakes and miss obvious stuff. Just figure out yesterday how to finish a structured workout and start another in the same event if I want. I don’t have to go through the process pf selecting a different course that way.
I have completed many of the portal climbs at 100% and the 125% has never unlocked for me? I don’t understand what I am doing wrong.
Did you end the ride after doing the 100%?
I believe that you won’t see the 125% unless you end the ride and start a new ride.
I am not sure what you mean. I have done the climbs many times each on separate rides. Meaning I have stop my ride and then started new rides on other days? Do you know if it only works when you do two separate rides on the same day same day?
What I mean is - Finish the Climb Portal at 100%.
End the ride.
Start a new ride to the same climb in Climb Portal.
You should get the option for 125%.
If you are not getting that option, then I do not know what else to try.
I appreciate the the response, thank you. I will give that a try. I guess it doesn’t stay on permanently .
You’re welcome.
If it’s the same climb in Climb Portal, you should get the option of 125% as you’re starting the ride, and also as you make the turn towards the climb if you didn’t choose 125% when actually starting the ride.
It does default to 100% when selecting the Climb Portal route.
Good luck.
You might want to try reinstalling Zwift to fix any corrupted files.
I was able to confirm if
- I completed the climb
- Stopped my ride
- Start a new ride immediately after
then I was able to do the climb at 125%
I guess the portal climb is never the same and therefore you always have to complete it twice in one day to ge the 125%
Thanks for the help.