Unable to reach/hold 23mph for spindown calibration

Howdy. I’ve been enjoying Zwift Run for a year now and am excited to make progress in the Cycle realm too.

I’ve tried out my new Saris M2 smart trainer the last two nights and am surprised at how quickly it gets my legs totally gassed!

Last night I tried to perform the Spindown Calibration after 6 miles of riding and failed 4 attempts. I failed because I either couldn’t reach 23 mph or hold 23 mph to complete the calibration. To be clear, I was giving it my absolute all, tried a variety of gears and swore up a storm before I called it quits for the night.

I’ve done some moderate forum searching for similarly described issues and the ones I’ve found seem to be resulting from a larger tangled web of issues. Hopefully my issue is more easily solvable.

Here’s my rundown:
iPhone 11 Pro running iOS 14.3
Zwift Version 1.0.60640
Saris M2 connected via Bluetooth
2002 Bianchi Axis with Continental Hometrainer Tire

I’ve downloaded Rouvy Mobile and plan to connect to the Saris M2 tonight in search of any firmware updates and giving their calibration method a try. I will update here with my findings.

I’m grateful for any tips and look forward to riding with you all!


Use the Saris app for updates and for calibration. If you can’t pedal that hard maybe ask a friend to do it. You’re calibrating the trainer not the rider.

Yes. I meant that I will try using the Saris app for updates and calibration tonight, not Rouvy.

Do you really think that it would require such power to calibrate that someone that is above average physically fit would have trouble reaching the required speed? Serious question. I would think I’ve got powerful enough legs and strong enough cardio to setup a lower end trainer…

When calibrating it is more difficult when you start and as you pedal faster it gets easier. When you hit 18mph it gets a little easier and then when you hit 23mph the screen should say “keep pedaling” and should be very easy until it says coast.

I’m having this same issue. I’ve attempted several times and get to 18, but can’t go higher.

Are you calibrating in Zwift or the manufacturer’s app? Don’t use Zwift to calibrate, you should always use the app from your trainer’s manufacturer.

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only calibrate with Saris App. They have fixed the issue and starting watt is only 50w. make sure Firmware is updated too