Yes download it from here Release QZ nightly build 20240118 · cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift · GitHub
i’m sorry, but am i right here for Windows 10…, i have to download the “” and install the “qdomyos-zwift.exe”?
yes it’s a portable version, so no need to install. and please let’s move the discussion on github of qz, it will be better to assist you this is the zwift forum
Does the Horizon treadmill link directly to Apple TV running Zwift?
Hi @David_Preston, Welcome to the Zwift Forums!
Fernanda here, part of the support specialist team at Zwift.
I appreciate you using this space to bring up your concerns. In the case of using the Apple TV, we advise connecting via the Zwift Companion App as a bridge considering that the Apple TV has limited Bluetooth Channels for pairing, (only 3 channels including the Apple TV’s remote).
Take this into consideration for the pairing!
I am using an android based TV and a horizon treadmill. The connection to the HDMI input of the TV is made by a special apple plug (it was approximately €60) and it plugs into my old iPhone 7s, together with a lightning cable to provide the power.
So all I needed was the investment for the plug and the swift program shows up nicely on the TV.
The only problem I have is, that in most cases I want to make a start, I can see my icon on the TV screen, but when I hit the start button, the icon will not move.
So I get out of the program, make a fresh start and then it works.
Why that is so I cannot imagine. Regards
[personal information removed by moderator]