Treadmill horizon

Yes download it from here Release QZ nightly build 20240118 · cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift · GitHub

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i’m sorry, but am i right here for Windows 10…, i have to download the “” and install the “qdomyos-zwift.exe”?

yes it’s a portable version, so no need to install. and please let’s move the discussion on github of qz, it will be better to assist you :slight_smile: this is the zwift forum :slight_smile:

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Does the Horizon treadmill link directly to Apple TV running Zwift?

Hi @David_Preston, Welcome to the Zwift Forums!
Fernanda here, part of the support specialist team at Zwift.

I appreciate you using this space to bring up your concerns. In the case of using the Apple TV, we advise connecting via the Zwift Companion App as a bridge considering that the Apple TV has limited Bluetooth Channels for pairing, (only 3 channels including the Apple TV’s remote).

Take this into consideration for the pairing!

I am using an android based TV and a horizon treadmill. The connection to the HDMI input of the TV is made by a special apple plug (it was approximately €60) and it plugs into my old iPhone 7s, together with a lightning cable to provide the power.
So all I needed was the investment for the plug and the swift program shows up nicely on the TV.
The only problem I have is, that in most cases I want to make a start, I can see my icon on the TV screen, but when I hit the start button, the icon will not move.
So I get out of the program, make a fresh start and then it works.
Why that is so I cannot imagine. Regards


[personal information removed by moderator]