Tour De Zwift — Europe

Hi Zwift,

I would love to have entered this event… but two of the events are at 3:30am (keen, but not that keen), and the other three are in the middle of the day during the week — when surely most people are at work?!

So, I’m unable to participate in any :pensive:

Maybe I’m missing something as I’m new to Zwift… but this doesn’t seem very inclusive.

Could each stage of the tour not have multiple timezone entries, so that we could all have a chance to participate?

Thanks for reading.



wouldnt have been difficult to have 3 races for each stage spread over 24 hour period.

It’s probably because it’s a European stage race set for their time zones. I’m sure when Cyclops did one back in November for North America, Europeans had the same time differential. Although the Cycleops stage had 2 start times for each stage. The Europe one does not