Time during a custom workout was off

The time between the ‘main’ timer and the workout timer was off by nearly 5 seconds. I say ‘nearly’ because it was changing about a half second after the main timer on the right. The interval timer seemed spot on, so it was just the ‘ride’ timer that was off. I swapped my Intel Mac Mini back in to see how different it is than the M2, and it’s rather striking. The M2 video is so much smoother. So could that be the reason? The Intel squirrel cage running as fast as it can, and the timer slipped? And such an odd interval to be off by. I checked the interval times on the left of the screen, but they were all good, but that wouldn’t effect the workout timer. Weird…

Simpler: The upper left total interval timer was off compared to the ride timer in the upper right above the interval time.

Sounds vaguely like this report

The only thing I can think that would make this happen, in my rides, is if the macOS app is subtracting the very quick moments I’m repositioning my butt on the saddle. It doesn’t seem to ding me for long stops (short of not getting a star for the interval) but apparently could be dropping the seconds/additive fractions of a second, but it also seems to only happen on some of my custom workouts, and not every time I do them. At first, when this happened many months ago, I wondered if it was something in the workout code, but I never experienced this with the M2 mini, so is it a codebase issue with the Intel code, and Rosetta is ‘fixing it’ for the M2? THAT would be so weird…

Thanks for pointing me to that thread. They might be closely related. :man_shrugging:t2::alarm_clock::mantelpiece_clock::stopwatch::timer_clock: Tempus fugit?