Throttled FPS in events?

Does Zwift throttle FPS in events? Did a small race this morning with well under 100 riders and my FPS were nearly halved during the event and returned to normal during normal free ride afterwards.

Events do hit the CPU harder which is always the bottleneck with zwift (and the 9900k is getting on a bit) but it still seems a bit low. What are you driving monitor wise with gsync/freesync/vsync settings?

Hisense U7N 55" TV on 4k and 120hz. I’m 99% sure gsync is on.

The event appeared to have a relatively low turnout and I saw a lot more riders on the open road after the event and yet the FPS increased. That’s why I was thinking the FPS are throttled.

Download an older version of cpu-Z like 2.08 and run the benchmark set to use 4 cores only. See what the single and 4 core scores are

9900k at stock was around 580 single core from memory.

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So yes they do throttle FPS?

OpenGL is basically single threaded, those other API’s are not. Thats why a £70 i3-12100 will beat your 9900k in zwift as it has higher IPC. Its not throttled, it just cant feed the graphic card fast enough.

You just need to check your CPU is running at expected clock speeds to rule that out.

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CPU and GPU utilization ranges from about 35-45% does that matter. Sorry I’m poorly educated in this area.

Your CPU has a lot of capacity that Zwift can’t use, so you need to know the utilization of the most-used cores. That will be the bottleneck. The rest will be mostly unused so overall it will have a lot of unused capacity when it’s working as hard as it can for Zwift.

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