Hi everybody,
I’m new on Zwift using a Tacx Vortex Smart for cadence, power and control.
Everything work well except when I start a clim. From around 4%, the power drops completely (even if I give everything :-D) and so I’m forced to clim very very slowly…
Do you think this issue comes from the trainer limitation (max incline 7%) ?
I see lots of people with the same trainer so I hope there is a solution to fix it.
If not, do you think my issue could be solved using my power2max for cadence and power calculation instead of trainer and keep trainer for control only ?
Many thanks,
Hi Bastien,
Exactly the same thing for me… Last year during lockdown it used to work pretty well. But since august 2020 it’s hell on earth.
Even at 2% it’s bearly impossible to move the legs. As you say even tho you give everything, it’s hard to go over 180 watts.
My solution : “Rider’s choice 60mins” in Tempus Fugit… I can tell you it’s boring.
Still no solution to fix this compatibility or trainer. Maybe they’re doing it on purpose so we buy a 2000€ trainer.
Hey guys! Same problem here 2 years later… were you able to fix it somehow??
Check the manufacturer’s setup instructions carefully regarding the tyre pressure and roller tension. Wheel-on trainers are very sensitive to this and you need to make sure it’s correct.
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There is a good chance this is due to the tyre slipping on the roller. Increase the roller pressure on the tyre. If your using the tacx app to check roller pressure make sure you are at the very end of the scale, i.e right on the “too tight” line.
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THANKS Zwift Gods!! You were right, guys… Fixed now!