Tacx Flux 2 and 2000W peak at the end of session

Same problem here. For some reason 2000W spikes occur mostly when the trainer abruptly lowers its strength or resistance (for example in a sudden change from a 10% to a 2% slope). Shifting may also trigger it occasionally. Updated to latest firmware but the problem remains (!!??). This must be a real issue in hardware, since they haven’t solved it yet. This happens almost in every training session and it is incredibly frustrating.

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Tried the Tacx training app today for the first time and had the same issue- sudden 2000W output. Makes me think that this is a problem with the trainer itself not how it plays with Zwift.

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Found this thread by googling. Had my Flux for a few weeks now, been great. Did the EPIC KOM tonight then the bonus climb, stopped pedalling as I started the long descent and was awarded the Gigawatt badge. First time that’s happened but it went well over 1400w a number of times on the descent. Will try the firmware upgrade, see if that works.

So I had this issue last year, tried a bunch of stuff and got it down to happening 2-3 times a month. Now started cycling again first ride it happened a bunch of times. Just did a 30km race and got 17 abnormal peaks. I’m sincerely regretting buying a Tacx now…

I had this problem with 1.1.6 and tried to downgrade to 1.1.2 but the problem was still there. So I came back to the 1.1.6 (and still have the bugs of course…)
I’m 100% sure it’s not Zwift related now, because I got it also with Big Ring VR and with RGT, with the same “triggers” (a brutal change in the slope, or changes in the gears have effects).
Cannot do virtual races with good feeling, because when you have like 7 times in 45mn the 2000w spikes, it’s like cheating…:frowning:

Very dissapointing from Tacx…

Hi there, same as many, a Flux 2 with latest firmware and 2000w spikes for 2 seconds.

It happens at the exact same places in the routes. The slope gets flatter, boom.
I can replicate everytime, so I think the link is not the problem.

It looks like this thread is almost two years old…

Ahhh I just did a race and lots and lots of 2000W power spikes on my Flux 2…
Firmware is up to date and calibration completed…

Same here, every 10 minutes there will be a peak when I start pushing a bit it’ll go sky high. In the beginning it was funny, but it gets annoying after a while, in particular when you’re riding in a group. Software is fully up to date both for Tacx as for Zwift. Perhaps there is a connection with the fact that the trainer does not successfully calibrate in Zwift, only in Tacx?

Are there any new insights to this bug?


I have the same thing. I contacted Garmin Support and they sent me a special firmware that you can’t download normally. Try contacting them to see if they can send you it.

thanks Christian, I will try this!

Hey Christian, last week bought New tacx flux 2 trainer. When using Zwift or using Tacx even 1%climbing feels sooo heavy that I really have to push very hard. Note I am already schifting very Light at that moment. At this moment I Can’t even ride Richmond or a flat race​:roll_eyes::see_no_evil: have tried everything but nothing is working :unamused:. Contacted garmin support but no reaction yet so really bad feeling. Was your problem Solved and what advice can you please give me? Hoping for a reaction. Kind regards Sven

They ended up sending me a new Flux 2 and I kind feel the same as you. I find the gradient harder but only starting at like 5%. Do you use trainer difficulty at 100%. If you do then lower it, if not, then a cassette with more teeth in the back (30-32) might be your only solution. Hope this helps

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Okay thanks a lot for your Quick reply and i ll wait for their reaction! Hope to hear soon something from them cause it takes to long. Kind regards Sven

I’ve been struggling with 2k power spikes for ages now, same Mac and ANT+ setup. Seriously disappointing that neither Tacx nor Zwift are taking ownership.

Did you ever resolve the issues?