Surrey Hills Route not accurate.... Why?

Just tried riding this route and wasn’t awarded the badge even after 50kms. :confused: Ride also won’t end for some reason.

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Hi there - would mind sending the FIT file and log files from your session? Please see my response to @Charlie_Moores just upstream of yours for the how-to.

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i also finally got the badge over this weekend ( on previous attempts i had not realised that the route starts-finishes at the top of fox hill).

not problems when i completed the route.

pity the course doesn’t include the full box hill climb !


Totally AGREE

One of the various incredibly frustrating quarks of Zwift, many of which could be easily rectified. Zwift is like the Facebook of exercise apps… too big to care.

selected surrey hills from the course menu. Did 58km but no route badge

I’m pretty sure it’s the spawn point being past the banner is the issue.

It took me four tries to get this badge, and out of spite, I’ll never ride it again :stuck_out_tongue:

FWIW, ZwiftHub is a great place to refer to actual route distances, including lead ins. It shows the route, including lead in, start point, and finish banner.

The full route including lead in is approximately 27.4 miles (~44km).

surrey hills zwifhub

For you badge hunters, if you create an account on and click the trophy icon for all of your completed routes, it’s a good way to keep track of what is pending. I was using a spreadsheet before, but bailed on that after discovering ZwiftHub (via GPLama on YouTube).

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So using ZwiftHub (what a fantastic website… A facility Zwift should have covered imo) has meant I looked through my route badges. Something I never paid much attention to however keen to complete in 2021. Problem I found is it shows I have only a handful… Reading this thread I can see why…

Comments of comparison to Facebook are to kind to Zwift.

Very frustrating

This bug only affects a handful of routes. So if you route badge list is small it’s very likely because you just haven’t ridden those routes since the route badges were introduced.

I recently did the Surry Hills route, with and without U-turn, both with only climb of fox hill, and didn’t get a badge.

I think it’s fair to assume that the bug still exists.

I did it just 2 days ago and got the badge when I crossed Fox Hill.

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