Support for Garmin Index Smart Scale for Automatic Weight Syncing

Here’s another hoping that they’ll complete the integration since they’re already writing to Garmin Connect. One Read shouldn’t take that much integration work. Having to pay for a 3rd party is just one more thing that will go wrong at some point.

Can we have massive ‘Vote’ for this topic (in the top left)


I’ve done so and are commenting with the wish of bumping the topic


So the weight is super important for Zwift in terms of fairness but it’s been 4 years for a simple integration like this and nothing? :man_shrugging:
Not sure why this forums even exist, guess the users opinions don’t really count that much.

I’m gonna add my gripe to the pile. Just bought a Garmin Index and i’m utterly shocked that Zwift STILL HAS NOT added this simple feature. And what’s more annoying is that no one from Zwift seems to be bothered enough to even have the courtesy to reply on this thread to, at least, let us know why it isn’t a feature, and maybe let us know what is being done to make it a feature in the future.

I thought that this would be a good feature few years ago but not anymore after recent experiences.

We have Garmin scale as well. Sometimes my wife, who is way lighter than me, steps on it and it incorrectly matches and uploads her weight into my account. If it was synced to Zwift and I did not notice, it would give me an unfair advantage (and category promotion :joy:).

Last weekend I raced on Zwift and while I was in Z2 in the first several minutes (longer race with flat first half), my Garmin stamina was falling down really fast on the head unit. I was at zero % in few minutes. Post race, I checked and my Garmin weight was 17 kg…because my kid stepped on the Garmin scale earlier in the day, tapped some buttons and it uploaded under my account. If there was a sync to Zwift in place then I would be Cat A+ by now :joy:.

The reason why I am giving these examples is that Zwift would first need to implement some mechanism to filter out these errors or limit weight changes over certain period otherwise it would cause more harm than good (I recall several topics here on that already).

This could work like a popup when starting Zwift:

  1. “You did not change your weight for more than 2 months. Is your weight X.X kg/lbs still accurate?” YES/NO
  2. “Zwift detected that your Garmin/Fitbit/… weight changed for more than 2 kg from X.X to X.X kg/lbs. Please confirm the change” YES/NO

Relies on everyone having this weight syncing and not doing workarounds to weigh less than they really do. Still, it’s fair because everyone weighs 39kg right, or it seems that way when I’m passed by them uphill.

5 years still nothing :cold_sweat:

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The funniest i have ever seen is a rider of 25kg

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still waiting.

This should be easy to fix. Still nothing. No ETA not explanation.

Still waiting.
And really important because I have to set a weekly reminder to open the zwift website and reconnect my Fitbit Connection because it drops every couple of days.

Any news on this? It’s quite silly having to put weight manually when Garmin Connect has the Wellness API publicly available. All my other training tools are able to pull weight from Garmin!

What’s best practice for this now?
I seem to have to use 6 apps to sync Garmin Index to Zwift! There must be a better way.

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Bumping this thread.