Strava Maps

When will you be updating the maps that are displayed by strava? The volcano Circuit, Titans Grove and the desert flats all look like we’re pedaling through an ocean. :frowning:

Strava use Google maps not Zwift maps.


What? There are no google maps for watopia, it is not a real place. The map uploaded to strava from zwift looks like one of the pictures.

You are correct Watopia is not a real place. The coordinates that Zwift use for Watopia is on a small island North East of Australia.

That’s interesting. I’m assuming that the Alpe du Zwift, which does appear when a ride is synced with Strava, is not actually represented by something in this island chain. ??

That is a good assumption, the terrain of the island does not have any impact on how the profile of Watopia look.

Since it is a virtual ride, why can’t there be a virtual map to correspond to the virtual ride?

Good question, but my guess is that Strava don’t let users or apps upload their own map images.

Strava use the coordinates in the .fit or .Gpx file and fit the points over a open street map.

Since it is a virtual ride, why can’t there be a virtual map to correspond to the virtual ride?

That’s a question for Strava, no?

My assumption is that Zwift had to pick real latitude/longitude for compatibility with uploads to Strava, Garmin Connect, Training Peaks, etc. otherwise those tools would crash dealing with coordinates that made no sense. Also they had to pick coordinates that didn’t interfere with existing Strava segments so a little island in the Pacific was chosen. Unfortunately, Watopia is now bigger than that island but it’s too late to turn back now.

Yeah, they had to use real coordinates so Watopia is located in a real place somewhere in the middle of the ocean. The other courses actually do have coordinates located at the real locations such as NY and London.