Spindown callibration

I’m trying to perform a weekly spin down calibration but everytime I click on the wrench all I get is error message “Waiting for device” anyone know of the fix for this??? Frustrated!

fyi - this happened right after the latest firmware update!

Which trainer? If it’s a Zwift Hub there is a bug but it will auto calibrate under the right conditions.

If it’s not a Zwift Hub, then never calibrate it in Zwift. Use the manufacturer’s app.

Paul - It is a Zwift hub and I’m running firmware version 5.2.2 so I guess it will auto-calibrate. I don’t understand why they tell you to re-calibrate every week then?!?

Hi @T_Blum

The Zwift HUB does auto calibrate so you don’t need to do the weekly calibration. The option to manually calibrate is there for first time setup, and if you were to move the trainer or swap bikes. There are also folks out there, that just like to make sure everything is calibrated.

As for the calibration nor working, if you are using a Mac or PC you could try deleting the Preferences under documents/Zwift. If that doesn’t work I suggest reinstalling Zwift as some of the data may have become corrupt.

If that still isn’t working The next step is to contact Zwift Support to see if they can find an issue.

Hi @Terry.G -

Deleting the Preferences under documents/Zwift worked on the PC, but still can’t get it to work on my phone. I tried deleting the app and re-installing but no success, the only reason I would like to get it working on my phone is that I have some trips coming up and would like to take my zwift hub and would like to re-calibrate it after I move it and get it set back up. Any ideas on the phone app and spindown calibration? Is this a known issue?

Thanks in advance for your help!
T, Blum

Hey @T_Blum
In order to clear the preferences file on your phone, you will need to reinstall Zwift completely on your phone. There isn’t a way to access the file structure to delete just that file, so the whole game needs to be deleted.

I too have deleted app, reinstalled, unplugged etc. No luck. I don’t ride with Zwift, I prefer a different App but must calibrate my Zwift Hub with Zwift. So I use the spin down. I tried a short ride on Zwift to auto calibrate, but website says that no wrench means no auto calibrate. I also have 5.2.2 firmware. Really a pain and not first time this has happened.

Your trainer should calibrate automatically without using Zwift as long as you meet the criteria in this document (ie, not in ERG mode).


Thanks for response. However, in the Performing
A Spindown Calibration, with a link to your resource, if you scroll down and it indicates “If you don’t see icon, your trainer can’t be calibrated in-game. Please refer to your manufacturers instructions to perform a calibration.”

So I have no idea if it is calibrating and I don’t use Zwift, I prefer Rouvy, so no idea if that works for an in-game calibration?

Yeah I believe it’s still calibrating automatically. There’s no way to know for sure. Even if you did use Zwift you still wouldn’t know. If they released new firmware that broke auto-calibration there would be no clear signal of it.

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