Silly things that annoy you about Zwift (Keep it light and Fun)

I quote “I have the same problem.”

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On the left side of the forum front page there are the various directories: General Discussion, Racing, etc. Under Zwift Academy, they’re still referencing the 2019 Academy! I’ve seen this on the front page of the Zwift App where they’ll list events that happened last month. The Academy one has been going on for a while though; more than two years!

I just unpin everything as soon as I see them, makes me wish that Discourse had a setting to opt out of the whole thing. Bonus annoyance points for threads that get pinned for a second time.


Unpin? Did NOT even know I could do that. I thought someone at ZHQ, or one of the Wayfinders controlled that! Just unpinned a few that had no relevance to me. Thanks!


unpinning is the greatest thing i have ever learned! thank you!


Me neither! game changer!!

I’ll now forget the community guidlines!


Kinda like when my avatar swerves to deliberately ride thru the rider in front of me instead of just passing to the side!

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You know, how you log into Zwift 5 minutes before the event starts and your sensors are all working fine but then once you’re in Zwift your sensors stop working for some reason so you try to re-pair your sensors but that doesn’t work so you shut Zwift down completely and then restart Zwift and then go through the whole start-up again and the time before your event starts is slowly ticking down but you can’t just directly join your event, no, you need to load one of the 3 available worlds first and only after waiting for that world to load can you click on the JOIN EVENT button and then you have to wait while Zwift loads the world your event is in and then finally you can join your event with only a minute or two remaining and you hope and pray that it works this time because if it doesn’t you’ll have to go through it all again you’ll miss the start?


How did I not know this?
Someone should pin how to unpin all these old things.


Funny thing is - it does look exactly as in Zwift, and elicits the same reaction.




Which units? My web activity feed is in KMs (in the UK)

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You should be able to change the Units of Measure in your Zwift profile.

I have this issue actually. My settings are in km and m, and in the app it shows just fine. On the web in the “Activity Feed” it also shows km and m, but if you click on the activity, and go to the individual activity view it then somehow shows miles and ft. No idea why.

The reflections in the wet Neokyo streets are completely wrong. They don’t accurately reflect nearby surroundings at all. When riding in Neokyo I can’t unsee it and it drives me crazy. Even see building reflections in the tunnel joining Neokyo and Yumezi. Come on.


When you can unlock the virtual adidas INDOOR Cycling Shoe during the adidas Global Cycling Series to use it on your avatar in Zwift’s OUTDOOR Simulation.


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All the traffic lights in yorkshire are always flashing amber!

Getting hit in the face by a tree branch after the first turn (#21) climbing Alp du Zwift.

Nervously going under the logs suspended overhead at the logging camp (turn 12/13 maybe?).

The encouraging road message “Half way there!” on AdZ when clearly I’m only 1/3 up the climb…. NICE TRY SIDEWALK CHALK GUY I’M NOT BUYING INTO YOUR LIES.


Every time there’s an update it turns the workout effect setting back on which then annoys the hell out of me for an hour till I finish and can turn it off again

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You can PAUSE the work out ,then go to menu (lower left) then settings and turn it off.