Seen no other riders in the last few weeks

Hi, my last ride with other riders was on 31 Jan 2021. Since then I don’t see other riders, I’m cycling alone, even when I join a group ride. I’m on the latest version of the iOS app. 1.0.61591. I’m on iOS 14.3 on iPhone and 14.4 on iPad, same problem on both. No changes to my network, that seems to be OK on everything else. Possibly started with the last app update? Any diagnostic steps I can take?

Hi @Graham_Stock, welcome to the forums! Are you using a wattbike perhaps? Also, make sure you aren’t logged into the Zwift app on both devices at the same time, and for good measure force close them both.


I am using a wattbike, do you think that might be relevant?


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Do you have computer capable of running Zwift?

Ah, it’s likely the wattbike thing I guess. It started after I started unpairing steering before starting a ride. I’ll do some experiments.

Yes, I can also try it on my Mac, I’ll give it a go.

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This turned out to be the Wattbike steering bug. I had been unpairing steering before riding. Getting into the game with steering paired and then unpairing later from the menu made the riders appear. Thanks for the help.