For as long as I’ve used Zwift (several years) the screenshot upload to Strava has had problems. It only works if I only choose 1 screenshot to upload (I.e. deselect all but 1). If i Ieave as default and more than 1 screenshot attempts to upload then none show up on Strava (or zwift companion)
Anyone know if there’s a fix for this?
Hi, @E_Lamo_ZRScot, welcome to Forums! I’m Francisco from Zwift Support.
Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that pesky sync issue.
To give you some light on this path:
I had heard that some users who utilize full-screen mode in Windows have been experiencing this issue. Some of them have tried changing the screen mode in the Zwift settings and then running the app in full-screen mode, which just means that the title bar appears at the top.
One alternative solution is to run the application in an unmaximized state and then manually adjust the corner of the Zwift window to nearly achieve full screen. By doing this, the uploads function as expected.
Try to check the home directory /Pictures/Zwift folder.