I’ve ridden a few routes and I have two complaints:
1- Not all have a known start and end. This makes it difficult to know when it started and ended. I don’t need to earn a badge for every route i do, I would just like a specific spot that it shows I’ve completed that route (the same spot every time). This goes with complaint #2
2- Not all routes have a defined distance that gets tracked. I will ride the same route and would like to compare to the previous times I’ve done that route. Complaint # 1 would help this, but I’ve ridden the Watopia figure 8 forward a few times, going well over the 18.5 miles indicated (always going past the “Arch” that is about 1/2 mile in), this morning going to 20 miles, but when I look at my info in Strava, there has never been a “Figure 8 Forward” segment defined, with associated data for that day.
Is there a setting or two I’m missing, or is this just not something there for every chosen route?