These two items can be separated but I think the next time we see a level increase they go great together. I know there aren’t a TON of folks at Level 100 yet, but eventually it will happen. So raising the cap again will occur down the road. I suggest something like 1,000 and make the curve more and more difficult along the way.
However, instead of just raising the cap also give more carrots to chase to help unlock those levels. I suggest what I’ll call Route Mastery Badges. Think of Volcano Laps badges, but it’s just one badge that the Level/Name Changes as you progress.
Complete Tempus you’re Level 1 “beginner “
Complete Tempus 5 times you’re level 2 “rookie”
You will also get 2x the XP from the Route badge.
Complete Tempus 10 times you’re level 3 “intermediate “ earn 3x the XP
Say this goes up to 5 levels (15x and 25x routes) you could go up to 7 or 10 if you wanted.
Along with that new level cap increase you retroactively backdate peoples levels of routes. This then gamifies things more. Give folks more badges to chase, more levels to go after and routes to reexplore. Make those rotating worlds popular as folks chase a route for a 10th time etc.
The curve to increase levels is already difficult enough. It takes me with my frequent riding and fairly frequent 1000XP wheel bonuses on ADZ weeks to increase to the next level.
By counting I’m at 116.5 at the moment.
For less frequent users the time between level up would be too great.
I’d prefer more new routes in Watopia than having special badges for the routes I’ve already done hundreds of times.
I’m up to 177x ADZ, should I get a x50 XP bonus for that? Seems fairly pointless.
Maybe you could give people an XP bonus for riding the mountainous routes in simulation mode with 50% or higher trainer difficulty. When that’s suggested it gets shouted down however, people don’t want more XP…
People need carrots/ XP to chase. Yes new routes is one function.
So are XP bonuses for events which they recently implemented.
The Route Level would be another way to get people XP to chase. With your specific scenario with AdZ, say they have Level 5 is 25 trips you’d be a Master Level with that badge.
Not every route is for everyone. Clearly you enjoy AdZ. By offering folks new achievements for riding roads they are already going to ride it get people to reexplore roads they may not have in some time.
Absolutely agree that NEW roads are ideal, but since we already have a ton of routes, why not add flair and XP for exploring those old routes. For folks like you who would gain the backdated XP for unlocks of mastery badges. Would help boost you closer to that new cap.