Hi all,
Haven’t sat on a bike for 40 years (hence my name ) , so getting back into the saddle is a bit of a painful experience in more ways than one! I thought I would get better use of the bike this time of year by using a smart trainer.
My setup is a Tacx Flow connected to my Samsung tablet. It seems to function and connect fine, and the companion app on my phone works most of the time, so no complaints there. I do have a couple of questions though.
If I understand things correctly the trainer is supposed to give me some feedback vis-a-vis the road texture i.e. feel a cobbled road etc. Is this true? If so am I expecting too much form my cheap as chips trainer? And drafting, not sure I feel much in the way of reduced resistance, but have no idea as to what to expect anyway.
If you see me out on the course give me a wave! I’m probably about to expire at that point, or a Zwift would have it, I’m toast!!